
Childrens " Zip Wire" or Cableway.

Unfortunately last August the zip wire had to be removed from the park for safety reasons. A Woodpecker had made a large hole in one of the wooden cross-members supporting the cable.

With proceeds from our park cafe we have "ring fenced" £3000 to start the funding for a new one. We have also been successful after applying for £10,000 from the Lottery Community Funding.

May 2023  Fantastic News. Total funding has now been obtained. All thanks to Derby Parks Dept, the Lottery, FSMPLNR, Sinfin & Osmaston Neighbourhood Board, Derby Homes and a donation.

As well as the 60 foot Zip Wire a balencing beam will be installed as well.

Construction work will begin on September 4th for the new Zip Wire and Balancing Beam!!!!!



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